Ask the Swan Specialist

How can you tell the sex of mute swans
By:sandy holliman
Date: 9 July 2012

how can you tell the sex of swans. we have a pair male & female . they had ababy about three years ago we have not been able to survive any since. the are so mean to the 3 year old i wonder why it does'nt fly away. i have been try to fiqure out the sex her feet are lighter in color like the other female, the males feet are more black. i would like to get a friend for the cast out swan. but wonder if they would get along the just roam aroung our place we have a two sided pond and the pair won't even let the one on their side or let it come by them.

Messages In This Thread

How can you tell the sex of mute swans -- sandy holliman -- 9 July 2012
Re: How can you tell the sex of mute swans -- The Regal Swan -- 10 July 2012