Ask the Swan Specialist

Re: lonely swan
By:The Regal Swan
Date: 19 January 2013
In Response To: lonely swan (Lynn)

Hi Lynn Yes we know about this particular swan as we have a consultant, Ron McEwen who oversees the swans in this area. The swan is believed to be a juvenile male that sustained some feather damage from gas and other pollutants after Hurricane Sandy. He was released to a pond with other swans. However, the other swans many males, began to chase him. He sought refuge in the area that you see him. There is a stream and a small pond that only partially freezes which provides him ample food, water, shelter and running water. This seems to be a good recuperative area until his feathers recover. So he is fine and there is someone watching his progress. Thanks for sending your post. We only hope that others in this area would be more caring as some of the Preserve is polluted, have domesticated pets running loose and heavily fished. In fact there are some who would like the swans eradicated as in killed in this area through some of the environmental agencies. We hope that there are enough concerned citizens that will not let this happen.

Please contact us if you see any problem with this or another swan in the area and Ron will respond immediately. We just need to know the location in the Preserve.

The Regal Swan

Messages In This Thread

lonely swan -- Lynn -- 19 January 2013
Re: lonely swan -- The Regal Swan -- 19 January 2013