Ask the Swan Specialist

injured female swan
By:Teresa <>
Date: 6 May 2012

My husband and I bought a pair of yearling Trumpeter swans in March-my whole family loves them. They're on a large man made pond that's completely fenced in. The male will always bite her though, really peck at her in the neck or back, when we feed them. I try to feed them a few feet away from each other. Well, we noticed the pen sitting on the grass trying to pull herself up. We have her in a dog crate in our garage now and I'll try to find a vet in the a.m.-she is not able to get up-I'm assuming he bit her hard in the leg. Is this normal behavior for yearlings? If she makes it, I'm almost thinking of sectioning off half the pond and separating them until they are at breeding age. Any ideas will be appreciated-it's been pretty teary here! Thanks!