Latest Swan News at the Lagoon

In Response To: Precious and Marlika are back at the main lagoon (The Observer)

Interesting observation: For the past 2 days, Precious and Marlika have left their pond-hangout and returned to the main lagoon.... almost EXACTLY when they would do this, if they had a cygnet! I wonder if there's some sort of built-in instinct that makes them follow the "stay safe" routine and then hit the road once again?

Anyway, now that they're BAAAAAACK.....this means they BOTH love to chase all the others as they're trying to eat. Then there's Genghis having a go at them from the other side! The clever young swans continue to wait a bit and then swarm in, once Precious chases someone in the other direction. Genghis started chasing another swan, and......Precious chased HIM! Off they went, wings up - Precious madly grabbing at Genghis' tail-feathers, heading farther away. And so it went. I make menacing gestures at Precious with the tongs, but he knows he's safe, so he ignores me...however, this morning when he came right within reach (pecking the dickens out of a young swan), I reached down and tapped him on his back. He just looked up at me and gave one of his little snorts as if to say, "Oh, hi there!" and carried on his mission. Groan....!! Still, it all ended pretty well.

In the meantime, Boy also ventured over in the same space!! I was so surprised to see his tail pop up. Precious ignored him but Marlika took at him like one of the Furies! Man, was she ever p'd off! She chased him as far as the pier in front of Nature House, then headed back. Boy stayed put. I then headed up to Boy, and he sped along the shore, following to our special spot. People were outside Nature House exclaiming, "Oh look! I can't believe how that swan's following her!" Hurrying past, I said we have a "secret rendez-vous" where he can get his medication in peace, safe from the chasers. I'm so happy to see him cut through the water so quickly - he's pretty perky.
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