Latest Swan News at the Lagoon

We’re Walking on Air!
Date: 3 October 2016

Having just returned home from a trip to see our former Lost Lagoon swans Tristan, Marika and Bijan in their new location, our happiness cannot be measured. We already knew they were in an ideal place, but today we saw how truly perfect it is, and how totally serene, contented, and self-assured they are.

From the beautiful ponds they have to glide on, the soft grass to tread (and gourmet grass to graze to their hearts’ content), to their peaceful surroundings and the lack of any predators, it’s idyllic. Add to that the loving care they’re getting and it’s Swan Paradise. Sheer bliss!

They’re glowing with good health - fine lush feathers coming in for winter, not to mention their slight weight gain. They look wonderful and it was very clear from the outset that they’re completely happy exactly where they are.

Seeing the three swans firsthand was such a delight and the final assurance that this is a most wonderful place for them to enjoy each day of their lives.

Heartfelt thanks are due to those who have made this happy turn of events possible.

Bijan and Marika:

Looking Across Bijan & Marika's Pond:

Tristan in His Pond:

Stained glass swan in the house of the Swan Lady
(she said a friend handmade it especially for her):

Bijan and Marika again: