Latest Swan News at the Lagoon

In Response To: April 28: Isolde is now at Lost Lagoon (Admin)

Ziggy brought Isolde to Lost Lagoon this morning. It seems that Isolde has been in captivity all her life, which is around one year. She was very nervous in the water; she swam from Nature House - where Ziggy released her in neutral swan territory - towards the territory of Precious who immediately chased her towards the underpass. A member of the staff saw Isolde walking towards the street near the underpass and took her back to Ziggy, south of Nature House. She tried to return towards the underpass but we scared her away (she is easy to scare away because she swims 4 to 5 feet away from the shore and she is afraid of a person waving their arms on the shore) and she turned around. At noon, she is halfway between Nature House and Danika's beach; she remains on the grass because Tristan does not allow her in the water. She is very afraid of Tristan. Ziggy will take Tristan away tomorrow morning, to join Boy and the Big Brother at a shelter for a few days, in order to give Isolde a chance to adapt to her new environment. So please do not worry if you see less swans than usual at the Lagoon.

Isolde stays 30 feet from people, which is good. she likes the company of geese. She is not afraid of dogs, which is not good because, as we know, some loose dogs like to chase swans, bite them and kill them. She will learn with time to be vigilant about dogs.

She seems to enjoy walking on the grass; we assume that she spent her life so far on concrete floors (which is why she had a foot desease that is now under control - was treated at the bird hospital). She seems used to walk back and forth, like in an enclosure. She grabbed some grass once in 3 hours; she has not eaten anything else except 2 small pieces of brown bread that someone threw in the water during the minute or so that she was in the water before Tristan arrived to chase her away.

If you see her walking towards a street, please herd her back between Nature House and Danika's beach (at the level of HAro Street). Please leave a message on this board if you see something that is not right about her. We will monitor the site many times a day.

She is easy to recognize: Her feathers are greyish. She still has some brown feathers like Tristan - they are of the same age.

The Happy Wanderer took some pictures of Isolde today and we might be able to post some online in the coming days.
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