Latest Swan News at the Lagoon

In Response To: Papa and Mama Swans and their egg (The Observer)

Picture this total domestic bliss: Mama Swan had gone for a quick swim around the lagoon and to nibble, and was now back at the nest site, having a really thorough preen. Papa Swan had come up on the nest when she went off, and now, as she preened, he was working up a storm, biting off pieces of iris leaves and twigs to add to the nest. A song sparrow trilled in the tree overhead, the water rippled quietly below and the two swan mates chatted to each other in quiet little bleats as they worked - such delight!

So...........what's wrong with this picture?

The one, lone, single, solitary EGG lay in the nest, exposed to the chill air (I had to wear my winter jacket this morning), while both swans totally ignored it!!!

When Mama Swan had originally got up to enter the water, she made a couple of half-hearted gestures at throwing a twig over it then took off. Papa came up, tried to sit down for a couple of minutes but clearly wasn't at ease, so stood up again and devoted all his efforts to preening, standing over the egg. This went on for about 20 minutes until Mama returned -- the minute he saw her coming, he sat down on the egg!

He needn't have worried.... she didn't seem to mind at all when he moved over to start pulling leaves and twigs for the nest. She turned her back and set to, preening.

It was so funny! I have a feeling that egg has about the same chance of hatching as we do of winning the 649!

Well, the whole point is, that they have some peace at this nesting site, and they sure were in "swan-heaven" this morning. You never saw two more contented birds - it did my heart good - they felt safe, happy, without a care in the world for a while, anyway.
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