Swans Through the Seasons

In Response To: Swans and Mallards (Boy's Foster Family!)

Followers of our swans’ adventures may recall that Boy, our proud old swan of 16, lost his mate to the much more powerful Precious, in early 2006. (Yes, it's a Soap Opera at Lost Lagoon). Since that time, Boy remains ‘single’ but still has a lot of fun chasing the young swans and “twirling for territory” with Papa Swan at the other end of the lagoon.

This spring, however, found him a new interest in a very different young family! One of the Mallards had 6 ducklings that began as minute fluff-balls that quickly grew, so that by June 29 they were almost as big as Mom. They still stayed close to her, and she stayed close to Boy, who has acted as official convoy to the little family. He sails regally alongside, chasing any geese or other swans that show too much interest in the little flotilla.

[c]Boy with “foster-kids!” [/c]
[c](Mama duck, the only one with dark blue wing feathers, is near centre) [/c]
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