Swans Through the Seasons

Family Picnic - June 10,2006
Sub Title:Swans and Cygnet Happily Grazing

It was a fine evening, just the sort for a leisurely walk to see what’s new with the little wetlands family. On rounding the bend there they were, Mom happily grazing the emerald grass, with baby’s wee “bionic bill” in perfect imitation of his parent, snapping off blades with the greatest enthusiasm, until he/she grew sleepy and had a mini-siesta under Mom's watchful eye.

Later on, after a few pictures had been taken, proud dad Precious appeared from across the road to lead them back to their wetlands shelter. He stood there for a couple of minutes, while the two continued to eat their little hearts out. Next he moved a bit closer, furiously wiggling his tail. “Com ON you two, let’s go home!” Finally, Marlika came up for air long enough to notice her mate’s anxious prompting; she began to talk to the cygnet, gentle little bleats – the baby got up, and with more bleats from Mom, walked right behind her. Three of us watched in delight as they made their way through the path in the grasses and young willows back to their haven.