Swans Through the Seasons

In Response To: Swans' Empty Nest Syndrome (Precious Carries On......)

For all their efforts as ace nest-builders and egg-sitters, Marlika and Precious did not become proud parents of a cygnet this year. Nature’s ways can be mysterious, but we still have to give both swans an “A +” for effort. In fact, Precious may qualify for a gold star all on his own!

Last week,after having sat on her eggs well beyond the normal incubation period, Marlika had clearly decided it wasn’t getting results, and at last headed into the lagoon to bathe, swim and enjoy the water for more than just a few minutes. Then she walked across the path to graze the greenest, juiciest grass. You could hear her “bionic bill” at work before you actually saw her – a regular little feathered lawn mower cutting a swath as fast as she could go.

Marlika must have forgotten to explain the facts of life to her mate Precious because there he was, proud as a peacock – oops – swan, sitting on the nest, long neck extended to survey his kingdom. For the next couple of days, he would take a quick break, then return faithfully to the nest, until he began to notice he was solo! He eventually joined his mate, then returned to the lagoon to work off all that excess energy tormenting the other swans, chasing right and left until even he wore out and settled down for a preen and good grassy snack.

[c]Precious, Still Sitting Solo on the Nest June 27th[/c]
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