Ask the Swan Specialist

The Regal Swan Foundation
By:the regal swan
Date: 8 January 2011

Hi Everyone: I am providing you with an update on our status with the Pepsi Refresh grant. We have dropped significantly in standing the last few days. We are in need of votes to get us back into the game and get us in the top 10 for the grant. WE NEED YOUR VOTES!

We have had swans die due to lack of critical care supplies and need to manufacture some supplies and purchase veterinary equipment that can be modified for swans in surgery. This will enhance not only the veterinary medical care for the swans but will allow us to pass on to other veterinarians the knowledge of what can best be used in surgery or other critical care settings.

You can vote up to 10 times a day at ( . Type in The Regal Swan Foundation and cast your votes.

Please tell your friends (Facebook, twitter, etc.) and have them also vote for us.

Again, your help is greatly needed for us to continue saving the lives of swans worldwide. Thanks. The Regal Swan