Ask the Swan Specialist

In Response To: Re: help baby swans (The Regal Swan)

Hi Tiffany:

Okay, the first thing to do is to keep them on a surface with good tread. Anything slick will tear up their legs resulting in usual death as it will be extremely hard to repair a broken or dislocated leg in a cygnet. We have seen this many times and it has never ended well.

Use something like a towel, but be careful that the cygnets do not accidently suffocate. You might use something like a cloth mat.

Do not allow the cygnets to go swimming for at least another week. At that time, place them in a small amount of warm water and allow them to float and swim in the wate for approximately 10 minutes. After swimming, dry them with a towel and even a low blowing hair dryer. Do not allow them to stay in any draft. Watch to see if the cygnets continue preening themselves. If they stop pooping, preening and eating, there is a serious problem. Unfortunately, they still can die, but just keep them warm and fed. Again, use very wet food, the pellets and cracked corn should be more than mushy for them to eat. Small bits of lettuce for the greenery should be ample. Please let us know how they are doing in about a week. We'll be able to give you a week by week update on their continued care.

To ensure that the cygnets are progressing, get a small cooking scale and weigh the cygnets each day. The rule of thumb, give or take a few ounces should be a gain in weight by 1/4 a pound every other day and 1/4 of an inch every other day. You will be amazed how fast these little ones will grow. Keep them together and let them bathe, feed and sleep together. This will minimize the imprinting on you. Good luck and let us know how you are doing. If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to contact us. The Regal Swan
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