Ask the Swan Specialist

In Response To: Re: Winter (The Regal Swan)

Hi Michelle:

Go ahead and bring them both indoors such as a garage, shed or barn in which predators cannot enter by digging under or climb over. They need to come indoors for a couple of days to get warm and dry out.

Keeping them by the water, may not offer them the warmth and shelter that they are seeking. They may have separated because they are looking for a warmer area. Also, in the winter, predators may access the snow or ice and attack them. They could have been chased out of their pond.

In any case, keep them indoors for a couple of days. Provide them with adequate ventilation (no draft) and warmth. Just make sure that if you use a heat lamp that there is no chance of fire. You can use straw or shredded newspaper/paper about 3 feet in depth so that they can nestle down and stay warm.

Keep a large bowl of food (cracked corn mixed with poultry layer pellets, bread and lettuce) submerged in water. They need a lot of water to eat, so a large salad bowl would work. Change the water daily, but keep a lot of food in the bowl, checking frequently. Let them eat as much as possible as this will help with their energy levels and keep warm.

Prior to releasing the swans back onto the pond (once the weather gets better), dowse them down with water (soaking them with warm water). Blot them dry with a towel and let them complete the drying process by preening. Again, this needs to be done in a warm area. They must preen several days before you release them or they can drown. They must waterproof themselves with their feather oils and they do this by getting wet and preening. We hope this information is of benefit. The Regal Swan
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