Ask the Swan Specialist

In Response To: Re: Baby swan (The Regal Swan)

Hi Kelly:

Most reputable breeders will not provide a cygnet at one week of age. The reason is that it will take a lot of labor on your part to care for this young of a bird, meaning 24-7 round the clock care. You will have to teach it to swim, preen, bathe, feed and act like a swan. None of the things that you will be able to teach the young bird. Additionally, it will never learn how to protect itself, learn what a predator is and which animals are predators. Basically, the swan will have to be raised in a very structured captive setting and will never be able to be left alone on the pond by itself, or even with another swan. Once a young swan is raised by only humans, it becomes very imprinted which means that the swan thinks it is a human rather than a swan. The possibility of raising such a young swan, even if you know what you are doing is going to be difficult and there are no guarantees that the bird will survive without its parents. The Regal Swan
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