Ask the Swan Specialist

In Response To: Re: Two swans been curled up on my frozen river for more then 5 hours?? (The Regal Swan)

Hi Loretta:

Can you safely get to the other side of the pond where the swans are located? If not, there is not much you can do. The swans may have a small area or water that is allowing them to eat and drink. If not, then they can starve, freeze and the frozen pond can be accessed by predators which will obviously kill them.

The good news out of all of this is that the swans may just be resting if they got caught in this last storm. If the birds were blown off course or just needed to get some rest, they should be gone by tomorrow.

There is not much you can do, but you probably do not want to call any state wildlife official. There is a move right now to kill all Mute Swans in New York. So, if your swans cross the state line, they may be killed. Also, many other states are considering this "hunting" and under U.S. Wildlife Services, are being told that veterinarians and some wildlife rehab facilities cannot rescue or treat any injured or sick Mute Swan, rather kill it or let it die. This is what the taxpayers are paying for at this time. If you would like to stop this killing, please go to to sign a petition to the governor of New York and to sign the petition against NY DEC.

This killing of Mute Swans is occurring in Maryland, Michigan, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Ohio and next will be New York which wants to kill all Mute Swans. All of this is based upon complete falsehoods regarding these beautiful birds and all about "hunting" a "Trophy Waterfowl". Once they wipe out the Mute Swans, the next "Trophy" will be the Trumpeter Swans which the government is working furiously to bring back for this sole purpose. We know this is disconcerting news, but the American Taxpayer can stop this by writing congressmen, senators, governers, and contacting local media etc. The Regal Swan
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