Ask the Swan Specialist

Re: Removed swan
By:The Regal Swan
Date: 13 April 2009
In Response To: Removed swan (Jody Olson)

Hi Jody:

Getting Mac a mate will help the situation because he will try to defend himself, his mate and his territory. However, you must slowly introduce the swans. If you get a female, she needs to be at least 2 years of age, otherwise he may injure her trying to mate during nesting season. You will want a young female who has not had a mate, the last thing you want to do is to separate a pair from wherever you are purchasing.

A pen should be built on the lake (fenced in area half in pond and half on land with a feeder inside). Place the female in the pen and closely observe how the two birds interact. If there is any sign of aggression towards the female, you do not want to release her onto the lake with Mac. Give it about 2 weeks as this will allow them to come to terms with each other and will also give her time to be accustomed to her new surroundings, the feeding system you are using as well as you as the caretaker.

After approximately 2 weeks, open the gate and let her out, but be ready with a nearby boat or other means of recapture in the event Mac is aggressive and tries to hurt her. Usually, this is not the case, and they may actually start talking with each other once she is in the pen. But, just in case, you do not want to have her hurt. Any sign of aggression needs to be controlled by removing the female swan from the lake and allowing Mac to become single once again.

As far as moving swans to another pond, you will need to ensure that the wild swans do not become aggressive towards them. Yes, males will fight for territory especially around the end of winter and early spring due to mating and nesting season. If there is any competition for food or nesting sources, this will also increase the possibility of territorial fighting. The Regal Swan

Messages In This Thread

Removed swan -- Jody Olson -- 12 April 2009
Re: Removed swan -- The Regal Swan -- 13 April 2009