Ask the Swan Specialist

Re: Swan Feed
By:The Regal Swan
Date: 1 May 2009
In Response To: Swan Feed (Michele P.)

Hi Michele:

We do not supplement any wheat products. We use only lettuce, some bread and primarily the cracked corn and poultry layer pellets.

We would suggest using the Blitz feeder (dog feeder) system shown on our website. However, if these are wild swans it will probably take too long and not be very efficient in trying to teach them how to use this system. If you can attach a floating container away from the banks so not to attract pests such as rats, ants and raccoons, this would be a good system. Swans must have water nearby while feeding or they can choke on the food. The container must be cleaned daily so that mold does not form on the food.

If the birds are wild and skittish, you may only be able to feed them by dropping the food at the bottom of the lake. The problem with feeding by dropping in the water is that other animals, i.e., turtles, fish, ducks, etc., can eat the food over a period of time. Therefore, the food is only available at one sitting for the swans. Also, you will go through an inordinate amount of food if it is placed in the water. We hope this information helps. The Regal Swan

Messages In This Thread

Swan Feed -- Michele P. -- 30 April 2009
Re: Swan Feed -- The Regal Swan -- 1 May 2009