Ask the Swan Specialist

cygnet predators
Date: 22 May 2013

Hello again,

I live in a gated community with restrictions. We have 9 lakes in the subdivision and 12 swans paired on different lakes. One of our swans hatched 3 healthy cygnets and each night after she took them to the water one would disappear so she has none and is pining.

We are fairly sure the predator is a coyote as no feathers or carcasses have been found and these disappearances happen at night.

We cannot light the small lake the swans are on, no loud noises or radios, no banging pots and pans, and I am wondering if you know of any coyote deterrent that can be used around the perimeter of the acre lake. I read that ammonia could be sprayed around the perimeter but must be resprayed after rain.

Have you any suggestions?

Thank you,