Swans Through the Seasons

Swans and Company (Jun 30 -Jul 3)
Sub Title:Precious Lowers the Boom!

Lately, Papa Swan (the cob of the second ‘power pair’ on the lagoon) has been flagrantly flaunting his pride within sight of Precious and his little family. Day by day, we’ve watched and wondered how long it would be until Precious took Papa on.

Friday evening Precious and Marlika, quietly grazing on the grass, had one pinkish wing each, on opposing sides. They seemed in good spirits but it was strange to behold Partially-Pink Swans!. Meantime, Papa Swan was at the other end of the lagoon, with TWO pink wings and the feathers on his "elbows" were shredded. To re-phrase, in another swan-friend’s words: "Old Papa Swan looks more like a plucked chicken!"

Our friend said that when he came down earlier on Friday, he saw Precious madly pursuing Papa Swan all the way down to his home-territory near the Stone Bridge, in classical warrior-swan posture - churning water and filling the air with the sharp snap of beating wings. We’re not sure how Marlika got involved in the fray, or where the cygnet was while all of this went on but Papa Swan, now returned to his proper place in the pecking order, has done a hasty retreat to nurse his war-wounds and Mama Swan, very wisely, opted to stay right out of these 'macho' guys' Wing-dings!

Saturday morning, our pink swans had resumed their traditional garb, and Precious was his feisty old self as always…..although it did seem to us that he performed his triumphant snort-wing flap routine ‘way more often than ever before (bragging rights?) The telltale pink had also disappeared from Papa, but his wings are still somewhat battle-worn and now he’s paying more attention to Mama Swan!

Tadpole Trivia
Sunday morning the bright sun shining on the pond by the wetlands showed up a number of huge tadpoles assembled along one side, with a couple already sprouting new legs. They were being serenaded by what must be a Great-Grandpa bull-frog with an impressive rumbling “ribbit.”

Turtles in the Slow Lane
If you’re down at the Lagoon, don’t be surprised to meet up with a turtle or two, plodding across the road on the side nearest the tennis courts. They have a few favourite nesting spots, and may be seeking them out now.

Happy Wandering!

Precious: I am the KING!