Swans Through the Seasons

Two Swans on a Nest
Sub Title:Picture


May 6: It's a bit far away, but you can make out the two mates, side by side on the nest. I had watched as Precious rushed back and forth gathering more material to re-inforce the nest; he placed it all near the top edge, then climbed up to sit beside Marlika and proceeded to pass her the pieces, one by one, to tuck in around her. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. He also sits right on the eggs faithfully while she goes for her swim. The rest of the time he sits either just below the nest, swims in the holding pond, and only occasionally now, will come out on the road.

May 3: Precious is spending nearly all his time right at the nest. This morning, an enchanted group watched as he accumulated an impressive pile of fresh reeds and grasses, then transported them to the side of the nest, finally going right up on the nest, touching bills with Marlika, then lying down beside her, and passing the new material to her to work into the nest, piece by piece. He is, without a doubt, the most conscientious mate. Added benefit: He's too busy to check out the rest of the lagoon, and now that there's no collective feeding in the evenings, he stays right away.... ideal for the two 'little ones' (Tristan and Isolde)!