Swans Through the Seasons

Swan Soap Opera
Sub Title:Update on who is with whom at the Lagoon

On Sunday December 4, I headed down to the Lagoon just before noon: Not a swan in sight. Did a complete tour of the lagoon, and sure enough, they were all tucked in various little spots along the north side. Encountered Boy and Marlika hanging out in the holding pond, a great thing for Boy who had been quite lonesome in the last months. (Now that Precious and Lady
are an "item" Marlika's free to return to Boy!)

Precious, of the roving eye, was with Lady in the little bushy area just before you come to the wooden platform. I went through the shrubbery and must admit to real delight when they both hurried up out of the water with various little snorts and head-lifting. They stood on either side of me and started “necking” again!!

On to the next spot, where Mama and Papa Swan waited just down from where their old nest was built. They spent quite a while in conversation.

On returning to the south side a couple of hours later, I saw the two brothers and Tweety. Tweety came right up talking away like a little chatterbox, showing off his slightly-improved snort – although there’s still a bit of whoopee-cushion in there! He is SO cute and friendly, it’s a shock when he reaches for the nearest duck and tries to take a piece out of it!!!