Swans Through the Seasons

Nesting Swans at Lost Lagoon
Sub Title:Close Companions on the Nest

How devoted Papa Swan is this year! His wild past, when he was known as Deadbeat Dad, is long gone, and he’s front and centre for nest-duty to relieve Mama when she needs a break, to spend time with her while they add little bits to the nest, and to terrorize any raccoons in the area.

Here they were this afternoon, with Papa proudly looking down at the 5 eggs (the way he gazes at them, you’d think HE had laid each one!) and Mama preening in the background. She had just returned from a swim around the lagoon – a luxury she didn’t used to enjoy very often in past years, but she’s making the most of it now.

It’s such a delight to watch their peace and contentment behind the safety of the enclosure.

The Changing of the Guard is about to take place.