Swans Through the Seasons

Swan D�tente
Sub Title:Keeping It Friendly (Nov 29)

Venerable old Boy at almost 16, is in Seventh Heaven, chasing the youngsters who hang out with him, and never seem to take him too seriously. The �kids� will occasionally have a go at one another when food�s at stake, or a bit of sibling rivalry enters the scene. But, what of Precious, the King?! In past winters, he terrorized any hapless swan that even thought of vying for food or territory. What would he do now, in such confined space, with ten other swans of all ages at very close quarters.

We waited for major warfare. But no! Here�s our intrepid swan, necking with his mate, making �hearts� all over the place, nudging bills with Bijan, and regally surveying his subjects with a benign eye. Still, it�s our guess there will be much gleeful chasing once the ice is gone!