Swan Stories Worldwide
- "Attempted Murder" -- Jørgen Bjerring -- 23 May 2017
- Swan camera (April 2017) -- Tieg -- 28 April 2017
- Re: Swan camera (April 2017) -- Admin -- 28 April 2017
- The Swan Project -- L. Martina Young, PhD -- 19 January 2016
- "Amazing Swans" video -- AmazingSwans.com -- 20 November 2015
- Swans (a poem) -- Chris Roe -- 4 June 2015
- NYT article: "Trumpeter swans are among the species that, by 2050, are not expected to be able to live in most of their current territory -- Admin -- 9 September 2014
- Where do the Swans Sleep? - a fairy tale picture book -- Felix -- 7 August 2014
- Swans saved by Town of The Blue Mountains employees -- Elizabeth Cornish -- 28 February 2014
- Re: Swans saved by Town of The Blue Mountains employees -- Debra -- 4 March 2014
- CNN article, Feb 21 2014: "Killing swans is a bad idea", By Carl Safina -- Admin -- 21 February 2014
- NYT article: "Speaking Up for the Mute Swan" By Hugh Raffles -- Admin -- 18 February 2014
- NYT article "New York Wants to Banish a Symbol of Love: Mute Swans" -- Admin -- 30 January 2014
- Petition: Save and Protect The Dutch Swans -- Willy -- 6 July 2013
- Re: Petition: Save and Protect The Dutch Swans -- The Regal Swan -- 6 July 2013
- Mating Pair of Mutes Needs New Home -- Jim R -- 3 May 2013
- Swan called me overhead... -- mary -- 25 April 2013
- For sale: Bronze statue of a lifesize mute swan -- Rosi -- 25 March 2013
- Mute Swan killings in Michigan -- Karen Stamper -- 23 October 2012
- Culling of Mute Swans on White Lake Michigan -- Ele Goudreau -- 19 March 2012
- Re: Culling of Mute Swans on White Lake Michigan -- The Regal Swan® Foundation, Inc. -- 19 March 2012
- All grown up -- Heidi -- 25 February 2012
- Polish Mute Swan Cygnets -- Heidi -- 8 July 2011
- swans -- Monique G. Scheers -- 27 May 2011
- Baby swans! -- Neil -- 23 May 2010
- Eggs -- Neil -- 23 May 2010
- Home For Sale---The Swan Conveys -- Patricia Licata -- 14 December 2009
- 3 swans at our office in Maryville, Illinois, USA -- David -- 2 October 2009
- This article (link below) covers the current situation here in Maryland as it stands.... -- Lisa -- 15 July 2009
- Maryland's Plan to Kill Swans -- lisa sommer -- 18 June 2009
- Petition to stop the killing of Maryland mute swans -- lisa sommer -- 2 June 2009
- Mute Swans in The Netherlands (live cam) -- Gareth Crowther -- 31 May 2009
- Black & white swans breeding together!! -- Sally Curran -- 22 April 2009
- 40 year old wild mute swan in Denmark -- Per Westenkær -- 17 February 2009
- Where could I photograph Muted Swans in Southern California -- Claudia -- 6 January 2009
- Re: Where could I photograph Muted Swans in Southern California -- Shelby -- 26 August 2015
- Swan camera (April 2017) -- Tieg -- 28 April 2017
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