Ask the Swan Specialist

Young Swans, one disappeared last night
Date: 2 January 2015

Hi, we have had 2 young swans on our pond for several months now that we brought in as babies and waited until they were fully feathered to put them out onto the water because of coyotes. They are about 1 year old now. We have not had them DNA tested so don't know if we had a male/female or not.

Unfortunately, 1 swan disappeared last night. We have been looking for clues all morning, and the other swan follows us around the edge of the pond squawking continuously but not in a defensive manner - Just swims the edge of the pond while we walk around it, looking for clues. We are wondering because the swan is still so young, if it's best to get another swan around the same age. Would they have already paired for life at this young age? Or would it be best to let the other swan be alone for a while before introducing another. Thanks for your help.

Messages In This Thread

Young Swans, one disappeared last night -- Kelley -- 2 January 2015
Re: Young Swans, one disappeared last night -- The Regal Swan -- 2 January 2015